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Knowledge is Power

How many of us have said at one time or another, “If I had only known!” When it comes to your health, we believe there should be no secrets. Knowledge is the key to unlocking important foundational truths that can set you on a path to getting well, losing weight, and feeling alive again!

Cornerstone Wellness will always make teaching and learning a priority for our private clients and members of our community. If one-on-one coaching is not your preference, you can join us either in-person or virtually for one of our course offerings.


Quarterly Detox

Join Us Every 90 Days

One of the best ways to jump start your health journey or maintain your body’s optimal health is to complete a Functional Medicine Detox. We are exposed to thousands of mycotoxins and man-made chemicals daily. Removing these toxins is key to re-balancing your body. During a Functional Medicine Detox, we utilize clean eating, intermittent fasting, specific meal timing, self-care and 3 scientifically backed nutritional supplements to aid in the detoxification process. You can choose to do a 7-, 14-, or 21-day detox depending on your wellness, weight loss or anti-aging goals.

Wellness 101s

Periodically we offer Wellness classes on topics of interest to our clients and community members. Class topics include, but are not limited to: Nutrition, Stress Management, Improving Sleep, Toxin Removal, and Longevity Protocols.

Click below to be added to our Email List so we can alert you when new Detox and Wellness 101s are forming.

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Set Up Your Free Consultation Today

Discover how to achieve your wellness, weight loss or longevity goals with a free 30-minute consultation.