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Our Story

Why We Do What We Do

Peggy’s story

In my early 40s, I was working long hours at a high needs elementary school. I began experiencing unexplained symptoms of systemic pain, chronic headaches, fatigue and brain fog. The symptoms became so debilitating that I ultimately had to make the decision to go down to part-time hours because I could barely function after 10:30 in the morning. I sought a conventional medicine diagnosis and treatment because I thought that was just what you do. But, after extensive tests with no answers, my doctor suggested I go on an anti-depressant. Since I wasn’t actually depressed, I opted to see if there was a natural solution. Thus began my journey into natural healing.

Jeff’s story

In my mid 40s, I was working as a school district administrator dealing with high stress situations on a daily basis. I was diagnosed with Melanoma and underwent surgery to remove it and several lymph nodes. I was grateful to conventional medicine for the expertise that allowed for the diagnosis and removal of the cancer. But, faced with the uncertainty of scans and potential biopsies every 3 months to ensure that the melanoma had not spread or returned, I wanted to find a natural way to give my body a fighting chance to prevent this from happening again. So, I joined Peggy on her path of natural healing.

Our Story

It was as we embarked on this journey that we discovered a fundamental truth, our bodies don’t mess up. They are amazingly designed to self-heal, but the conditions we set both within and outside of our bodies create the environment for sickness or wellness to occur. Our bodies were out of balance, thus creating the symptoms and health challenges we were facing. We took the road of natural health to reboot our bodies, found out our root cause imbalances, brought our bodies back into balance and ultimately, not only regained our health, but increased our energy, strength, and vitality in the process.

As grateful as we were to regain our own health, our eyes were opened to the fact that most people are not even aware of the power they have to create an environment for health and healing.

As Integrative Health Practitioners, we assist our private clients to overcome their own health challenges. We identify underlying root cause imbalances and develop specific protocols customized to our clients’ needs so they can finally get the results for which they have been searching.

To learn how to get a program tailored to meet your unique needs, either click the link below to schedule your no-obligation free consultation or email us at or call or text us at 614-947-9991.

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